WAS Konferenssi alkaa 2.11.2023. Puhujina Suomesta Seuran jäseniä.


26:s konferenssi alkaa Turkissa torstaina 2.11.2023.

Konferenssin ohjelma on julkaistu https://www.was2023.org/files/downloads/WAS2023-program.pdf Suuri ilo on huomata kansainvälisten puhujien joukossa jälleen myös Suomen Seksologisen Seuran jäseniä

Torstaina 2.11.2023.

”The Serie Prevention Project”

Anna Kolster (Finland)

Työnohjaaja (STOry), Ihminen tavattavissa -terapeutti, uusperheneuvoja, tantraohjaaja, rakentavan vuorovaikutuksen ohjaaja (NVC), ICF coach, Authorised Sexuality Educator and Sexual Health Promoter (NACS)

Perjantaina 3.11.2023

WAS PES COMMITEE SYMPOSIUM: “Professional Education in Sexology – Worldwide” Chair: Elsa Mari Almas (Norway) – Chair of the WAS Professional Education in Sexology Committee.

“Results from Europe”

Elsa Almås (Norway), and Alain Giami (France) and

Osmo Kontula (Finland)

PhD, Research Professor

Member of Advisory Committee in WAS, and the chair of WAS Sexuality Education Committee

Member of Management Committee of COST-Action and Network for the European Sexual Medical Network (ESMN), 2019-2023.

Past President of the Society for the Scientific Study of Sexuality (SSSSS)

Past and Honorary President of the Finnish Association for Sexology (FIAS)

Past President of the Nordic Association for Clinical Sexology (NACS)  

Past Member of the Executive Committee in the European Federation of Sexology (EFS)

Mangolia salissa kuullaan perjantaina 3.11.2023 

Suomen Seksologisen Seuran Työn sankari 2023-tunnustuksen saanutta.

Kuvassa: Suss Åhman NACS-konferenssissa Oslossa 2023

“Sexuality education for 7-12 year olds”

Suss Åhman (Finland)

Seksuaaliterveyden asiantuntija
Specialist in Sexual Health, Authorized Sexuality Educator and Sexual Health/Specialist in Sexological Counselling(NACS)